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8 Types Of Procrastination That I Found Dangerous [2024]

8 Types Of Procrastination That I Found Dangerous [2024]

After learning about the various ways that people put things off, I’ve even come to comprehend eight procrastination types. 

These range in duration from small setbacks to larger and more significant ones which causes even the most important tasks to be needlessly postponed. 

There are a lot of factors that I’ve found can contribute to procrastination such as anxiety and confidence loss. It’s critical to recognize your own procrastination style. 

In my opinion, it will provide you with the tools you want to be in charge of and act proactively. Understanding the reasons behind your procrastination will help you overcome it.

infographic about 8 Types of procrastination that I found dangerous

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What is Procrastination?

What is Procrastination

I often find myself cutting out commitments and the main reason for this is that I struggle with self-control and managing my time well. 

I become excited about a project if it makes me happy. But on the other hand, I tend to put things off if they irritate or frighten me. 

This starts a vicious loop whereby I avoid unpleasant responsibilities which shockingly makes me more afraid of them. 

It’s difficult to break out of this pattern especially because I want to focus on improving my self-manipulation skills. 

The goal is to avoid putting off tasks and become more proactive in completing tasks. It’s an experience to better understand who I am and why I put things off. 

Ultimately, I believe that breaking the pattern of procrastination and completing tasks with an extra proactive mindset will improve my regular productivity and well-being.

When I spend my entire day doing boring chores something interesting happens, and I get into revenge for bedtime procrastination. 

Instead of going to bed when I should, I end up doing things I enjoy like watching movies or scrolling through social media. 

I know sleep is crucial for my body but I keep putting it off. Before I know it, it’s the next day and I’m feeling tired because I didn’t get enough sleep and I’m sleep-deprived. 

Maintaining focus requires a great night’s sleep and the troublesome part is that my nighttime procrastination not only ruins my evenings but also causes me to put off my activities during the day.

In order to break this cycle try to prioritize sleep and establish a more regular bedtime.


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What are the Different Types of Procrastination?

What are the Different Types of Procrastination?


I’ve experienced several forms of procrastination. First, there’s ready tension which includes over-doers, perfectionists, worriers, and defeated procrastinators. 

The worrier puts things off because they are anxious about potential outcomes.

The over-doer puts off their own commitments because they prefer to meet others’ expectations and the perfectionist puts off obligations to avoid making mistakes and worry that they will no longer be able to meet extremely high standards. 

The second type is prepared dissatisfaction and boredom with the crisis maker, dreamer, defier, and distracted procrastinator. 

The crisis maker delays tasks for the thrill of last-minute rushes. The defier fights commitments out of frustration or revolt, whereas the dreamer waits because it is difficult to translate lofty ideas into action. 

Determining which kind you are helps you understand why you put things off and knowing this can lead to effective solutions. 

Understanding your procrastination style gives you the tools to address the main issue and employ strategies that work for your specific difficulties making it easier to be efficient and proactive in completing tasks.


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Types of Procrastinators Motivated by Anxiety

What are the Different Types of Procrastination?

1. The Worrier

I find that I am a worrier which is a type of procrastinator who frequently puts off tasks by worrying excessively and being reluctant to act. 

I tend to be agitated and indecisive which causes me to look for outside validation or advice before starting a task that fuels the cycle of procrastination. 

Finding effective ways to overcome those tendencies and enhance my productivity requires an understanding of this aspect of my procrastination style.

The only way to overcome procrastination of the worrier type is to combine behavioral and cognitive techniques:

  • Cognitive restructuring: Involves confronting and reframing negative thought patterns that contribute to stress and a lack of clarity. 

Use powerful affirmations to replace self-doubt with concentrating on your abilities rather than just your accomplishments. 

This mental adjustment may help reduce the need for constant comfort.

  • Mindfulness and relaxation techniques: Practicing mindfulness when taking breaks from demanding tasks to manage tension. 

Deep breathing and meditation are some of the techniques that can help relax the mind and make it easier to approach duties with a more focused and clear mentality.


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2. The Perfectionist

The Perfectionist

Being a perfectionist by nature, I frequently find myself wondering if a task is a failure if it isn’t always flawless. 

This mindset causes me to wait around for everything to be perfect before starting anything, a business for instance and it also causes me to become too fixated on small things. 

This way of thinking causes me to put off acting and adds to my procrastination tendencies. It’s critical that I recognize those perfectionist tendencies, address them and move toward taking extra initiative to complete tasks.

The best way to overcome procrastination and perfectionism is to implement exact techniques and adopt a balanced approach:

  • Establish Reasonable Standards: Acknowledge that you can’t always achieve perfection and establish reasonable goals for yourself. 

Accept the idea that tasks can be completed correctly even if perfection is not attained.

  • Question the All-or-Nothing mentality: Dispel the myth that anything that falls short of perfection is a failure.

Adopt a positive outlook and recognize that mistakes can be opportunities for growth and learning rather than indicators of failure.

  • Celebrate Progress: Despite the fact that development is not perfect, it is nevertheless important to acknowledge and enjoy it. 

Understand that making progress and moving forward are achievements in and of themselves, adding to mediocre success.

  • Exercise Self-Compassion: Show yourself some kindness and self-compassion. Recognize that everyone makes mistakes and has disappointments. 

Developing empathy for oneself might help ease the anxiety associated with being flawed.


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3. The Over-Doer

I’m the over-achiever who usually says yes to everything. I devote a significant amount of my time to helping others, using it as a means of avoiding taking care of my own responsibilities. 

Unfortunately, the extra burden I take on as a result of this frequently leaves me feeling crushed and irritated.

Try these simple measures to overcome the dependency on typically declaring sure and feeling defeated:

  1. Get Able to Say No: When you are unable to fulfill more obligations or requests, get comfortable saying no. Saying no is OK if doing so will maintain your health and put your well-being first.
  2. Establish Limits: Create tidy barriers using your time and effort. Share those challenges with others but make sure you’ve given your personal obligations and duties enough thought.
  3. Delegate Responsibilities: When it’s feasible, assign tasks to others. Delegating tasks to others might relieve you of some of your workload and open doors for cooperation and shared responsibilities.
  4. Plan Your Own Tasks: Set aside specific time on your schedule to work on your personal objectives and obligations. 

Give those responsibilities the same priority as external commitments.


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4. Overwhelmed Procrastinator

Overwhelmed Procrastinator

When I have too many responsibilities, I frequently feel overwhelmed and find it difficult to start or finish anything. 

The responsibilities feel so great that I am trapped and find it hard to go on. Every task appears like a huge undertaking and I generally feel defeated. 

To overcome this, I want to break down tasks into smaller components, identify what is most important, and employ precise organizing techniques. 

In order for me to feel more in control of things and advance, I must get over this overwhelming emotion.

Use simple strategies to break through them and regain control so that you feel less overwhelmed by too many responsibilities:

  1. Establish a Routine: Create a daily or weekly routine that includes setting out time for specific tasks. Routine gives tasks structure and prevents them from piling up.
  2. Delegate When It’s Practical: Determine which responsibilities can be assigned to others. By assigning tasks to others, you can reduce your workload and focus on the things that truly need your attention.
  3. Take breaks: Plan brief pauses between tasks to prevent burnout. Taking pauses allows you to refocus and maintain awareness throughout the day.


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Types of Procrastinators Motivated by Boredom and Frustration

Types of Procrastinators Motivated by Boredom and Frustration

1. Crisis Maker

I find that I need to be bothered in order to take action because I am the one who is a crisis maker. 

I usually stay until the very last minute before the deadline before starting to work. Pressure can be a motivation, but I’ve seen that it lowers the caliber of my work.

Try these simple tips to avoid waiting until the last minute and relieve stress:

  1. Early Action: Start work well in advance of the due date to prevent the last-minute rush. An early start time enables a more deliberate and exhaustive approach to the task.
  2. Set Deadlines: Set due dates for the task’s various phases. This helps keep the process moving along at a constant pace and establishes an organized timeline.
  3. Strategies for Stress Management: Learn and put into practice stress-reduction methods including mindfulness, deep breathing, and physical activity. 

These techniques can reduce tension without just depending on the impending deadline.

2. The Dreamer

The Dreamer

I identify as a dreamer, spending a lot of time thinking about what I want to accomplish. But I frequently forget the details and practical aspects of my objectives which leaves me unsure of where to start and ultimately leads to procrastination. 

Stay with me as I show you how to overcome this kind of procrastination in the sections that follow:

  1. Make a Concrete Action Plan: Break down your dream into smaller, more manageable actions rather than dwelling solely on the big picture. Make a detailed strategy outlining the specific tasks you wish to complete.
  2. Establish Achievable and Realistic Goals: Establish attainable, realistic short-term goals that complement your long-term objectives. Concentrating on manageable tasks reduces the likelihood of procrastination and offers a sense of accomplishment. Enjoy the little things in life to keep yourself motivated while traveling.


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3. The Defier

Being someone who tends to rebel against tedious or pointless tasks, I get annoyed by them on a daily basis. 

Rather than taking on those less appealing tasks, I usually put them off in favor of more important or enjoyable tasks. 

This occurs as a result of my decision to choose responsibilities that, in my opinion, are meaningful or enjoyable. 

I may be able to approach things in a more balanced and efficient way if I strike a balance between my less interesting responsibilities and aspects that are important and enjoyable.

Try these simple strategies to overcome the temptation to avoid boring tasks:

  1. Incorporate Interest: Incorporate personal interests or priorities into routine work. This could involve finding creative ways to tackle the task or tying it into a larger goal that is consistent with personal values.
  2. Reward Structure: Create a reward system for doing chores that are far less engaging. Give yourself a little reward when you complete a task. This will help you build excellent relationships and be inspired to take on similar tasks in the future.


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4. Distracted Procrastinator

Distracted Procrastinator

Being easily distracted makes it difficult for me to stay focused on a single task. It usually results in worsening the situation. 

In order to fix this, I want to find ways to reduce distractions and set up a higher painting so that I can hear sounds more clearly.

How to Overcome Procrastination

How to Overcome Procrastination

I’ve realized that procrastination is reviewed by all. Determining the specific type of procrastination you engage in will help you focus your efforts more efficiently. 

Think about the following guidelines that could be helpful: 

  • Eliminating distractions
  • Set clear goals
  • Breaking tasks down into actionable components
  • Set Deadlines
  • Make use of anti-procrastination apps like Today Is The Day app
  • Creating to-do lists
  • Setting reasonable goals
  • Reward yourself after achieving a goal
  • Take breaks
  • Do exercise and get a good night’s sleep
  • Seek professional support


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You can also listen to this podcast to learn more about procrastination and how to overcome it:

Final thoughts

I believe that in order to find the best solution for myself, it is essential to comprehend the many forms of procrastination. 

If my worry is the cause of my procrastination, responses aimed at frustration and boredom won’t work as well. 

Recall that the key to changing things up is within and even a tiny effort made every day can lead to remarkable advancements.

Written by Saeed Ahmadi

Who am I? A blogger, mindset mentor, personal development coach, content creator, SEO Specialist, digital marketer, entrepreneur, reader by night, and writer by day.

Mindsetopia, my brainchild, is more than a platform, its my vision of a world where everyone has access to the tools and knowledge necessary for personal growth and self-growing.

What really makes me excited is helping people to unlock their true potential. So,I am here to give you the kick you need to change your mind and then your life :)

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