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Why Do I Suck At Everything? 20 Helpful Tips To Erase It!

Why Do I Suck At Everything 20 Helpful Tips To Erase It!

You may feel dejected and unmotivated as a result of this annoying and discouraging mindset.

However, the fact is that you are not alone.

This persistent feeling of inadequacy is something that many people have dealt with at some point in their lives.

Self-doubt and unfavorable self-perceptions are common causes of the sense that you suck at everything.

Comparisons to others, failures in the past, or a general lack of confidence can all cause it.

It’s crucial to realize that this idea does not accurately represent your genuine abilities or value. It’s only a perception that may be contested and disproved.

This post will go through 20 useful tips to help you get rid of the feeling that you suck at everything.

These suggestions are meant to inspire you, alter your perspective, and provide you with useful advice for developing yourself personally.

You may rebuild confidence, accept your skills, and realize your actual potential by putting this advice into practice.

Let’s get started and learn how to prosper in all aspects of your life by overcoming the sense of inadequacy.

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Why do I suck at everything?

Well, Because your negative mindset has imposed the mental limits and you accepted them all. Your way of thinking has a significant impact on your performance and if you think you suck at something little by little your subconscious mind accepts that as an undeniable fact. Your negative ideas and lack of self-confidence have an effect on your talents and limit your path to growth.

Remember that we all have our unique set of strengths and weaknesses, and it is only through endurance, practice, and self-love that you can surpass your own limitations and succeed in every aspect of life.

This all reminded me of this famous quote from Henry Ford:

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t–you’re right.”

Henry Ford


Now here are 20 tips to get rid of that feeling once and for all!

1. Embrace a Growth Mindset

Embrace a Growth Mindset

Having a growth mindset is important in terms of overcoming the feeling of sucking at everything.

Instead of viewing your abilities as constant and unchangeable, include the belief that you have the potential to enhance and grow.

Understand that setbacks and challenges are possibilities for mastering and development.

When confronted with a task or talent that appears daunting, remind yourself that with effort and dedication, you may enhance and succeed.

Embracing a growth mindset allows you to technical challenges with optimism and resilience, understanding that your skills aren’t set in stone but may evolve over time.

To cultivate a growth mindset, start by reframing your self-talk.

Instead of saying, “I’m just not good at this,” replace it with, “I haven’t mastered this yet, but I’m willing to put in the effort to improve.

” Focus on the process rather than the outcome and celebrate your progress along the way.

Remember that everyone starts somewhere and even the most successful individuals face setbacks and failures.

By adopting a growth mindset, you’ll develop a more positive and empowering outlook on your abilities and open yourself up to new possibilities for growth and improvement.


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2. Identify Your Strengths

It’s simple to ignore your strengths and concentrate only on your deficiencies when you feel like you suck at everything.

To change your thinking and increase your self-confidence, you must, however, identify and acknowledge your strengths.

Think about your strengths, whether they are particular abilities, character traits, or circumstances where you have gotten praise.

As a reminder of your talents, make a list of your strengths and consult them frequently.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that each person has certain skills and capabilities that are essential to their success in life.

You may change the emphasis of your attention from what you see as weaknesses to your areas of strength by identifying your strengths.

Your confidence will increase as a result, and this will also provide the groundwork for future growth and development.

Once you’ve determined your strengths, look for ways to use them in many facets of your life.

Applying your skills intentionally will help you reach your full potential in every aspect of your existence, including employment, hobbies, and relationships.

Your sense of inadequacy will go as a result of realizing and using your strengths, which will also strengthen your conviction in yourself.


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3. Set Realistic Goals

Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic, attainable, and abilities-aligned objectives is crucial when you feel like you’re terrible at everything.

Larger goals should be broken down into smaller, more doable tasks that you can complete.

Setting yourself up for failure and furthering your sense of inadequacy is what happens when you have unreasonable expectations for yourself.

Start by establishing definite, ambitious, yet attainable goals.

Make sure they are quantifiable so you can monitor your development as you go.

You’ll feel a feeling of achievement when you complete each milestone by reducing your objectives down into smaller ones, which can increase your drive and self-assurance.

Always keep in mind that progress is more crucial than perfection. Instead of aiming for perfect performance, concentrate on constant development.

Celebrate every success, no matter how minor, and utilize it to advance toward your ultimate objectives.

You’ll gain momentum and eventually dispel the notion that you’re bad at everything by establishing reasonable objectives and acknowledging your progress.


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4. Practice Self-Compassion

It’s critical to exercise self-compassion when you feel inadequate.

As you would a close friend going through a similar problem, be nice, considerate, and forgiving of yourself.

Recognize that difficulties and mistakes are inevitable components of learning.

Instead of engaging in self-criticism, offer yourself words of encouragement and support.

Remind yourself that everyone experiences setbacks and that failure is not a reflection of your worth or abilities.

Treat yourself with patience and understanding, knowing that growth takes time and effort.

Develop a self-compassion practice by challenging negative self-talk and replacing it with positive and empowering affirmations.

Treat yourself to self-care activities that nurture your mind, body, and soul. Practice mindfulness to cultivate awareness of your emotions and thoughts without judgment.

By practicing self-compassion, you’ll create a nurturing and supportive inner dialogue that can help erase the feeling of sucking at everything and foster self-belief and resilience.

5. Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Embrace Failure as a Learning Opportunity

Failure is a natural part of life, and it does not mean that you suck at everything.

Instead of viewing failure as an endpoint, reframe it as a valuable learning opportunity. Embrace failure as a chance to gather insights, learn from your mistakes, and grow as an individual.

Take the time to consider what went wrong and why when you experience failure.

Identify opportunities for improvement after doing an unbiased analysis of the issue.

Your chances of success will rise as a result of the useful knowledge you will acquire and apply to subsequent initiatives.

It’s critical to keep in mind that even the most accomplished people have setbacks and failures along the way to their goals.

Accept failure as an essential and common component of learning. Instead of focusing on the drawbacks, highlight the lessons you’ve learned and the progress you’ve made.

Develop resilience by viewing failure as a stepping stone to success. Each setback brings you one step closer to reaching your goals, as long as you learn from it and persevere.

By embracing failure as a learning opportunity, you’ll erase the belief that you suck at everything and instead see it as a valuable tool for personal growth and development.


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6. Seek Support

When you’re feeling like you suck at everything, seeking support from others can provide a fresh perspective and help you gain a renewed sense of confidence.

Reach out to trusted friends, family members, or mentors who can offer guidance, encouragement, and support. Share your feelings and concerns with them and be open to their insights and advice.

Sometimes, talking to someone who believes in your abilities can help challenge the negative self-perceptions you may be holding.

They can remind you of your strengths and past achievements, providing a more balanced view of your capabilities.

Additionally, their encouragement and support can motivate you to keep pushing forward even when you’re feeling discouraged.

Never be embarrassed to approach someone with knowledge in the fields you want to hone for assistance or advice.

They may provide you with insightful advice, useful tools, and effective techniques to help you get beyond challenges and develop your abilities.

A proactive move toward growth and development, remember, requesting help is not a sign of weakness.

7. Cultivate a Positive Environment

Cultivate a Positive Environment

The environment we surround ourselves with plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts and emotions.

To combat the feeling of sucking at everything, it’s important to cultivate a positive and supportive environment.

Surround yourself with people who uplift and inspire you, who believe in your potential, and who encourage your growth.

Take part in things that make you happy and content.

Take up activities or interests that give you a sense of accomplishment and self-assurance.

Include uplifting influences in your environment, such as self-help books, podcasts, or internet forums that promote personal development.

Take care not to surround yourself with people or situations that promote poor self-perception.

It could be important to set limits or reduce your exposure to specific individuals or circumstances if they constantly make you feel low or make you question your abilities.

You may encourage a positive outlook, self-belief, and resilience by purposefully fostering a good atmosphere.

You will be empowered to embrace your strengths and potential by the encouragement and optimism in your life. This will help you overcome the notion that you are a failure in every endeavor.


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8. Take Small Steps Outside Your Comfort Zone

Experimenting outside of your comfort zone is one of the best methods to get over the sensation that you’re bad at everything.

When we stretch our comfort zones and take on new challenges, we grow and improve.

Make a list of the chores, hobbies, or abilities that intimidate or frighten you, then begin to take baby steps toward them.

You may progressively increase your confidence and skill set by taking modest moves outside of your comfort zone.

It aids in your realization that you are more capable than you first believed.

You disprove the notion that you are bad at everything every time you force yourself to attempt something new or face a fear.

Start with manageable tasks that stretch your abilities but are still within reach.

As you gain confidence, gradually increase the difficulty level. Celebrate each step you take outside your comfort zone, regardless of the outcome.

Remember that progress is about the effort and growth you experience along the way.

By consistently challenging yourself, you’ll develop new skills, broaden your horizons, and build resilience.

Stepping outside your comfort zone allows you to erase self-doubt and embrace the belief that you can improve and excel in various areas of your life.

9. Practice Self-Care

Practice Self-Care

When you feel like you suck at everything, it’s critical to prioritize self-care.

Taking care of your physical and mental well-being may have a big influence on your mood and outlook.

Engage in things that replenish and rejuvenate you, such as regular exercise, adequate sleep, a good diet, and relaxation techniques.

Physical activity not only provides several health advantages, but it also produces endorphins which improve your happiness and self-esteem.

Make time for things that you like, such as going for a stroll, dancing, or participating in sports. Regular exercise can enhance your general well-being and help you have a more positive self-perception.

Getting enough sleep is crucial for mental clarity and emotional stability.

Prioritize a consistent sleep schedule and create a relaxing bedtime routine. Make your sleep environment conducive to restful sleep and aim for the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep per night.

When you’re well-rested, you’ll have more energy and mental resilience to tackle challenges.

Additionally, nourish your body with healthy and balanced meals. A nutritious diet supports brain function and promotes overall vitality.

Avoid excessive consumption of sugary or processed foods, as they can lead to energy crashes and mood fluctuations.

Fueling your body with wholesome foods will enhance your physical and mental well-being.


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10. Learn from Role Models

When you feel inadequate, getting inspiration from role models who have excelled in areas where you want to develop may be quite beneficial.

Identify people who have attained achievement or mastery in the skills or domains in which you are interested.

Learn about their experiences, problems, and solutions for overcoming hurdles.

Read biographies about these role models, watch interviews, or listen to podcasts about them.

Take note of the lessons they teach and the insights they provide. Recognizing that even great people have uncertainties and disappointments might offer you drive and direction.

Role models function as a supply of inspiration and a reminder that greatness is achievable through hard work and dedication.

Analyze their methods and adapt them to your very own journey.

While you may now no longer reflect on their actual path, you can draw upon their experiences and techniques to enhance your very own growth and development.

Learning from role models gives you insightful advice that helps you overcome the feeling that you suck at everything.

They provide inspiration and a plan for achieving success in your desired areas of growth.

11. Practice Mindfulness

Practice Mindfulness

When it comes to overcoming self-doubt and poor self-perception, mindfulness is a potent weapon. It entails living in the present moment fully and objectively examining your thoughts and feelings.

Mindfulness can assist you in changing your attention and regaining a sense of clarity and calm when you find yourself mired in negative self-talk or thoughts of inadequacy.

Practice awareness techniques like body scans, deep breathing exercises, or meditation.

These methods aid in increasing your awareness of your thoughts and feelings so that you can examine them without becoming caught up in them.

You gain the ability to identify unfavorable self-perceptions and deliberately select positive ideas and beliefs as you practice mindfulness

Make practicing mindfulness a daily habit. Every day, set aside a short period of time to engage in mindfulness activities.

Simple steps like taking a few deep breaths and focusing on the present can help. With practice, mindfulness will become second nature, enabling you to deal with self-doubt more skillfully and compassionately.


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12. Seek Knowledge and Skill Development

Lack of expertise or understanding in a certain field is a common cause of feeling inadequate.

Actively look for chances to learn new things and advance your abilities to go over this.

Explore online resources, enroll in classes, go to seminars, or attend those that are pertinent to the areas you wish to get better at.

Approach learning and self-improvement in a proactive manner. Schedule time specifically each week to concentrate on learning new things or improving your abilities.

This could entail learning new skills through practice, lesson viewing, or book reading. Adopt a lifelong learning philosophy and acknowledge that there is always space for development.

You’ll feel more competent and confident in those areas as you increase your knowledge and master new talents.

Keep in mind that mastery takes time, so have compassion for yourself as you advance.

Your dedication to personal development is demonstrated by every modest step you take, which also serves as a reminder that you are capable of success.

13. Celebrate Progress and Achievements

Celebrate Progress and Achievements

When you’re feeling like you suck at everything, it’s crucial to acknowledge and celebrate your progress and achievements, no matter how small they may seem.

Often, we tend to overlook our accomplishments and focus on what we perceive as failures or shortcomings.

Establish checkpoints along the way, then celebrate when you reach them.

These milestones may be individual objectives, performance standards, or noteworthy advancements.

Think back on your progress and the work you put into developing yourself. Celebrate your accomplishments to increase your self-confidence and solidify a good self-image.

Give yourself a treat for your effort and achievement.

Whether it’s a modest indulgence, a soothing pastime, or precious time with loved ones, reward yourself with something you like.

By acknowledging your accomplishments, you establish a good connection between your efforts and yourself and inspire yourself to keep moving forward.


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14. Challenge Negative Self-Talk

Negative self-talk can be a significant barrier to overcoming the feeling of sucking at everything. It reinforces self-doubt and perpetuates negative beliefs about your abilities.

To counteract this, it’s important to challenge and reframe negative thoughts.

Become aware of the poor self-talk patterns you have interacted with.

Pay attention to the essential inner voice and the self-restricting ideals it perpetuates. When you capture yourself engaging in negative self-talk, consciously project the thoughts and replace them with positive and empowering statements.

For example, instead of thinking, “I’m terrible at this,” reframe it as “I may be learning, but I’m making progress.

” Affirmations that focus on your qualities, progress, and potential should be practiced. Repeat these affirmations on a regular basis, especially while facing problems or doubting oneself.”

Over time, the practice of challenging negative self-talk and replacing it with positive thoughts will help rewire your mindset and erode the belief that you suck at everything.

You’ll develop a more supportive and empowering inner dialogue, which will contribute to increased self-confidence and belief in your abilities.

15. Embrace Patience and Persistence

Embrace Patience and Persistence

Last but not least, embrace the qualities of patience and persistence on your journey to erase the belief that you suck at everything.

Rome wasn’t built in a day, and true growth and mastery take time and consistent effort.

Recognize that improvement and progress may not always be linear.

You may encounter setbacks, plateaus, or moments of frustration along the way. But remember that each setback is an opportunity to learn and grow. Be patient with yourself and trust in the process.

Persistence is key. Even when faced with challenges or temporary failures, keep pushing forward.

Persevere through obstacles, adapt your strategies when necessary, and stay committed to your goals.

Embrace the mindset that setbacks are temporary roadblocks and with determination and resilience, you can overcome them.

By adopting patience and persistence, you will cultivate a long-term growth and development attitude.

You’ll realize that success requires persistent work and a willingness to learn from mistakes. With time, your confidence in your talents will grow and the sense of failing at everything will vanish.


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16. Embrace the Power of Micro-Progress

When you feel like you’re not making progress or everything seems overwhelming, break down your tasks into smaller, manageable steps.

Focus on accomplishing these bite-sized goals one at a time, celebrating each small victory along the way.

By shifting your focus to these micro-progressions, you’ll find yourself building momentum and gaining confidence.

It’s easier to tackle a series of small tasks rather than be overwhelmed by one massive task.

Celebrate even the smallest achievements, as they contribute to your overall progress and help you maintain a positive mindset.

Remember, progress is not always linear and every step forward counts.

Embracing the power of micro-progress will help you stay motivated, stay focused, and ultimately overcome the feeling of sucking at everything.

17. Practice Gratitude

Practice Gratitude

Cultivating an exercise of gratitude can assist in shifting your consciousness from what you understand as shortcomings to what you admire in your life.

Regularly take time to reflect on the belongings you are thankful for, whether they’re personal achievements, supportive relationships, or simple joys.

Gratitude can carry an experience of perspective and positivity, reminding you of the matters which are going well and reinforcing a greater balanced view of your abilities.

Incorporate gratitude into your daily habit by maintaining a gratitude journal or expressing appreciation to others.


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18. Learn from Setbacks

Make the most of failures as chances for growth and learning rather than allowing them to define how you see yourself.

Whenever you have a setback, evaluate the circumstance honestly and pinpoint the causes.

Think about what you might have done better and how you may use these lessons to your advantage in the future.

You may develop resilience and enhance your performance over time by actively learning from failures.

Keep in mind that losses are only stepping stones on your path to achievement rather than a reflection of your total value or skill.

19. Seek Constructive Feedback

Seek Constructive Feedback

You may overcome the sensation of inadequacy by getting feedback from others, which can offer insightful and unique viewpoints.

Ask for helpful critiques from dependable mentors, coaches, or peers who can provide open-minded and illuminating advice.

Don’t take criticism personally or react defensively; instead, be open to hearing it.

Look at it as a chance for development instead. Use criticism to improve your performance and talents by actively incorporating them into your efforts.

By asking for input, you’ll be able to identify areas where you should concentrate your efforts in order to achieve significant progress.


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20. Take Breaks and Practice Self-Restoration

Sometimes, feeling like you suck at everything may be a result of burnout or mental exhaustion.

It’s essential to prioritize self-recovery and take regular breaks to recharge. Incorporate activities into your habits that help you relax, rejuvenate and repair your mental and emotional well-being.

This should include engaging in hobbies you enjoy, spending time in nature, training in mindfulness or meditation or simply taking a break day to rest.

By looking after your general well-being, you will have extra energy, focus, and resilience to address challenges and improve in the areas you desire.

I suggest you listen to this podcast which is about overcoming the sense of inadequacy:


Feeling like you suck at everything is a common experience that many human beings face sooner or later in their lives.

However, it is essential to understand that this notion is often rooted in self-doubt and poor self-perceptions.

By imposing the 20 beneficial tips mentioned in this article, you may erase the feeling of inadequacy and cultivate a greater effective and empowering mindset.

Embrace a growth mindset, identify your strengths, set realistic goals, and practice self-compassion.

Seek support, cultivate a positive environment, and step outside your comfort zone. Prioritize self-care, learn from role models, practice mindfulness, and seek knowledge and skill development.

Celebrate your progress, challenge negative self-talk, and embrace patience and persistence.

Keep in mind that you have the ability to alter your story and dispel the notion that you are bad at everything.

Take regular action toward your objectives, embrace progress, and have faith in your potential. You’ll learn that you’re capable of excelling in many areas of your life with time and effort.

Written by Saeed Ahmadi

Who am I? A blogger, mindset mentor, personal development coach, content creator, SEO Specialist, digital marketer, entrepreneur, reader by night, and writer by day.

Mindsetopia, my brainchild, is more than a platform, its my vision of a world where everyone has access to the tools and knowledge necessary for personal growth and self-growing.

What really makes me excited is helping people to unlock their true potential. So,I am here to give you the kick you need to change your mind and then your life :)

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