
My Top 35 Don’t Treat Me Like an Option Quotes in 2024

My Top 35 Don’t Treat Me Like an Option Quotes

Table of Contents

Have you ever experienced feelings of unimportance or neglect in a relationship? Honestly, I can say that some of my friends and I have experienced it.

I was surprised and annoyed at first. I can still clearly recall who gave me that feeling. Realizing that you are viewed as little more than a fallback or option is disheartening.

When you start thinking of yourself as a backup alternative it can be distressing to realize that you’re being treated like Plan B.

I made the decision to share it in one of these instances.

Express your feelings by saying “Please don’t treat me like an option.”

This was the first step toward bettering my health and establishing more sensible boundaries.

if you’ve ever found yourself in a circumstance like this.

Online quotations emphasizing the significance of not being considered an alternative may have caught your attention.

Undoubtedly, I also did it. A few of these quotations were quite helpful to me in getting over the notion that I was not the first choice.

These phrases which come from my own experience growing in bravery and facing down those who made me feel like a second choice are derived from our list of the “My Top 35 Don’t Treat Me Like an Option Quotes”.

If you are experiencing something similar right now, we invite you to read on to get the support you require.

We recommend you watch this video as well:

My Top 35 Don’t Treat Me Like an Option Quotes in 2024

infographic about My Top 35 Don’t Treat Me Like an Option Quotes in 2024

1. “I will not treat you like a priority when you treat me like an option.”-Unknown

2. “Treat me like an option, I’ll make forgetting you my priority. Treat me like a queen and I’ll make you feel like a king.”–Chardonnay Tyson

3. ” I’m going to teach my son to treat a girl right. Like a priority, not like an option.”-Unknown

4. “Don’t settle for being someone’s sometimes.”-Unknown

5. “That’s the problem with putting others first; you’ve taught them you come second.”-Unknown

6. “If you treat me like an option, I’ll leave you like a choice.”-Unknown

7. “If I treated you the way you treated me, you would hate me.”-Unknown

8. “Choose me or lose me. I’m not a backup plan and definitely not a second choice.”-Unknown

9. “Don’t expect me to treat you right if you ain’t acting right.”-Unknown
10. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”- Mark Twain

11. “When you say ‘yes’ to others make sure you’re not saying ‘no’ to yourself.”- Paulo Coelho

12. “Accept me as I am or watch me as I go, you choose the second option so don’t cry for me anymore.”-Unknown

13. “Treat me like a queen and I’ll treat you like a king. Treat me like a game and I’ll show you how it’s played.”-Unknown

14. “Your worth to others depends on how you value yourself, don’t be an option to someone, be their priority.”–Blaze Olamiday

15. “Don’t treat her wrong if she’s doing everything to make things right.”-Unknown

16. “If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you’ll miss the

17.“I can be your choice, reason or priority but never your option.”-Unknown

18. “There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t even jump puddles for you.”-Unknown

19. “There are three things in life that leave and never return: words, time and opportunities. Therefore, value whoever values you and don’t treat a priority whoever treats you as an option.”-Unknown

20. “When someone treats you as an option, help them narrow their choice by removing yourself from the equation. It’s that simple.”-Unknown

21. “Don’t be afraid to start over. This time you’re not starting from scratch. You’re starting from experience.”-Unknown

22. “Nobody deserves to be treated like an option.”-Unknown

23. “Just because someone desires you, does not mean they value you.”-Unknown

24. “Don’t let anyone save you for later. Read that again.”-Unknown

25. “You can treat me right or you can watch someone else do it for you.”-Unknown

26. “When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort. Not an excuse.”-Unknown

27. “You are a priority. Not an option, last resort or toy. Don’t allow anyone to treat you like anything less.” – Ritu Ghatourey

28. “Keep calm and cut ties with the person who doesn’t deserve you.”-Unknown

29. “I am not someone’s go-to person when their Plan A fails. I will never be a plan B.”-Unknown

30. “It’s better to have nobody than to have someone who is half there or doesn’t want to be there.”-Unknown

31. “I won’t be an alternative, I am the ultimate choice.” – Unknown

32. “Being alone is scary but not as scary as feeling alone in a relationship.” – Amelia Earhart

33. “I am not waiting for a Prince. I am waiting for someone who treats me like their Princess.” – Unknown

34. “I’m not a sideline spectator, I am the game-changer.” – Unknown

35. “I am the creator of my very own self and I intend to treat me like my greatest masterpiece.” – Charlotte Eriksson


Now let me explain each one In detail:

1. “I will not treat you like a priority when you treat me like an option.”-Unknown

A beautiful view

I consider this quotation to be among the best sayings ever said. That should be rather obvious.

Setting priorities might be challenging when you are aware that someone is thinking about you. The formula is simple to comprehend. I will look after you if you look after me.

2. “Treat me like an option, I’ll make forgetting you my priority. Treat me like a queen and I’ll make you feel like a king.”–Chardonnay Tyson

You see, this is what you need to do when you feel you are being neglected.

Begin to remove the individuals who make you feel like an alternative and keep the ones who treat you like you are special.

3. ” I’m going to teach my son to treat ag irl right. Like a priority, not like an option.”-Unknown

if you ever had the experience of becoming a plan B, you will definitely try to teach the younger ones to never do this to a person and care for him/her as a priority.

4. “Don’t settle for being someone’s sometimes.”-Unknown

The town of Eastend Saskatchewan, Canada

I feel connected with this phrase because it highlights how crucial it is to establish limits in our interpersonal interactions.

People may choose to end a love relationship if they believe they are not receiving the attention they require.

Be conscious of your feelings in relationships and establish clear limits for your own protection.


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5. “That’s the problem with putting others first; you’ve taught them you come second.”-Unknown

For instance, in a relationship between two individuals, a balance should be held in terms of caring between these two people.

Also, let’s not forget that it is you who determines how you want to be treated by others.

6. “If you treat me like an option, I’ll leave you like a choice.”-Unknown

You have the choice to continue a relationship or end it.

If you feel you are being treated as an option, it doesn’t make sense to keep that relationship going. It will be fooling you to continue that relationship.

7. “If I treated you the way you treated me, you would hate me.”-Unknown

The statement is logical as one’s behavior reveals all about one’s true nature.

My response to someone shifts when they say or do something impolite or improper.

It’s crucial to treat your mate right. In other words, they are bearing the consequences of their choices.

8. “Choose me or lose me. I’m not a backup plan, and definitely not a second choice.”-Unknown

Bird Flying in the Afternoon Sky

Determine your value at the beginning of a relationship because if you don’t show that, you will be neglected as time goes by.

By doing so, you will show the person that you are serious and true in this relationship.

9. “Don’t expect me to treat you right if you ain’t acting right.”-Unknown

Actions define you and the person who you are in a relationship with.

If he/she frees his/her time for you, it means that he/she is trying to show that the relationship is important. So, act right and you will be treated right.

10. “Never allow someone to be your priority while allowing yourself to be their option.”-Unknown

This number in my opinion is really potent since it highlights how crucial it is to prioritize your partner in a relationship.
It turns out that giving someone a certain role in your life is crucial if you truly believe they will value you.
This is a good way to prove your value. This concept influences how I handle relationships.


Read more: Top 20 Master Oogway Quotes to Inspire You


11. “When you say ‘yes’ to others make sure you’re not saying ‘no’ to yourself.”- Paulo Coelho

The great Paulo Coelho always astonishes us with his sayings.

As you can see we must always put ourselves as a priority and never forget ourselves in any circumstances and especially in relationships.

12. “Accept me as I am, or watch me as I go, you choose the second option so don’t cry for me anymore.”-Unknown

macro closeup blue forget me not flower with sun in the background

When a person chooses you, he/she should do that to be who you are.

In other words, a person’s personality and character should be an important factor in deciding someone to be in a relationship with.

13. “Treat me like a queen and I’ll treat you like a king. Treat me like a game and I’ll show you how it’s played.”-Unknown

I was deeply moved by these remarks. It is about expressing gratitude to someone.

People will value you more if you value yourself.
Since this is a two-way street, concerns should be expressed by both parties.

This is a lesson in managing the emotions of other people.
In my opinion, This is a basic but effective lesson. Consciously communicate your emotions.

14. “Your worth to others depends on how you value yourself, don’t be an option to someone, be their priority.”–Blaze Olamiday

As I said before, it is you who determines how to be treated in a relationship.

Your value is also defined by yourself and this way you will make the person who chooses you, fonder of you.

15. “Don’t treat her wrong if she’s doing everything to make things right.”-Unknown

The actions that a person does to show that he/she is trying to keep a relationship stable, demonstrate its importance to him/her.

This way you will value his/her efforts and won’t neglect his/her existence.

16. “If you spend too long holding on to the one who treats you like an option, you’ll miss the one who treats you like you’re the only one.”-Unknown

A beautiful sky

I completely agree with this viewpoint.

Your natural tendency is to search for a way out of a relationship when you enter one with the wrong person.

I know from personal experience that I have looked for partnerships that offer me support and purpose.

The primary motivation for creating a connection in which you genuinely feel appreciated is this.

17.“I can be your choice, reason or priority but never your option.”-Unknown

Don’t even think of being someone’s option because this way you will disrespect yourself.

Being a person’s choice and priority resembles your worth and the efforts of that person to keep you.

18. “There comes a time when you have to stop crossing oceans for people who wouldn’t even jump puddles for you.”-Unknown

This is a really deep quote, to be honest. Get to know the people around you because you will know who is worth keeping and who isn’t.

Don’t make anyone a priority until you get to know him/her.

19. “There are three things in life that leave and never return: words, time, and opportunities. Therefore, value whoever values you and don’t treat a priority whoever treats you as an option.”-Unknown

Someone who treats you right deserves the same. However, a person who isn’t showing the right attitude shouldn’t be in your life. this is a rule in life that you should keep in mind and never forget.

20. “When someone treats you as an option, help them narrow their choice by removing yourself from the equation. It’s that simple.”-Unknown

When it s rain.

From my experience, you can tell when someone is thinking of you.

I’ve come to understand these odd actions as alerts to back off and put some distance between us.
This is the moment when you realize how crucial it is to recognize your value.

Read more: Best 40 You Are Worthy Quotes to Change Your Life in 2024


21. “Don’t be afraid to start over. This time you’re not starting from scratch. You’re starting from experience.”-Unknown

If you have experienced a break-up, it will take time to come over it.

However, if at any moment you decide to start a new relationship, you will enter one with much more experience since you have learned from your mistakes.

22. “Nobody deserves to be treated like an option.”-Unknown

That’s right.

Not a single person deserves to be considered a plan B so, you don’t deserve it either.

Choose to be a priority for a person who knows what he/she wants from a relationship and he/she will become a priority for you as well.

23. “Just because someone desires you, does not mean they value you.”-Unknown

I am really comforted by this news. I’m not considered a fallback planner.

In my opinion, relationships are important and those who respect them and know what they want from them should prioritize them.

The road has two lanes. They decide to put themselves first which makes it easier for them to appreciate and give back to one another.

24. “Don’t let anyone save you for later. Read that again.”-Unknown

 Background is mountains and cloudy sky.

Don’t accept being an alternative in any relationship.

By doing so you will double your value in anyone’s view and won’t accept being in every relationship.

25. “You can treat me right or you can watch someone else do it for you.”-Unknown

I find this news to be really concerning.

I firmly believe that it’s acceptable to stop a relationship right away if you don’t feel like you’re receiving the respect and consideration you need.

It is not a show of weakness to give up. Making the choice to prioritize your happiness and safety is courageous.

26. “When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort. Not an excuse.”-Unknown

A person who appreciates you shouldn’t try to play games in a relationship. he/she must sense that an effort is needed in order to make this relationship better and stronger.

27. “You are a priority. Not an option, last resort, or toy. Don’t allow anyone to treat you like anything less.” – Ritu Ghatourey

I had to learn the hard way that I should never be used by anyone.

I’ve made a lot of effort to refute the idea that putting up with this kind of behavior indicates low self-worth. These quotes reflect my journey of self-discovery.

28. “Keep calm and cut ties with the person who doesn’t deserve you.”-Unknown

Keep Calm

Stop staring when things are not in your favor. You have the power of choice and not to forget two legs. Leave when you see that person is not acting properly and show him that he/she doesn’t deserve you.


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29. “I am not somebody’s go-to person when their Plan A fails. I will never be a plan B.”-Unknown

Be with a person who treats you like a king/queen. What I mean is not to expect the best restaurants or anything, but to choose a person who puts this feeling inside of you.

This way you will be happy in your relationship and the last time I checked that matters.

30. “It’s better to have nobody than to have someone who is half there, or doesn’t want to be there.”-Unknown

As you notice in this quote, being alone is much better than being in a relationship that makes you feel alone.

Stop wasting time and energy with a person who creates this feeling inside you and move on with your life.

31. “I won’t be an alternative, I am the ultimate choice.” – Unknown

My Top 35 Don’t Treat Me Like an Option Quotes in 2024

This word seems to have a lot of meanings. Saying, “I’m your first choice,” is the same as this and serves as a helpful reminder to respect who you are rather than settling for second place. 

Without question, necessities come before convenience. It’s about choosing to prioritize yourself in life and realizing your own worth.

32. “Being alone is scary but not as scary as feeling alone in a relationship.” – Amelia Earhart

It touches my heart and It’s more than just a relationship.

While having a sense of belonging is vital, I was reminded by this type of loneliness that relationships should make me feel supported rather than alone. 

This type of loneliness is something I have also felt. It’s safer to be alone than to feel emotionally alone.

33. “I am not waiting for a Prince. I am waiting for someone who treats me like their Princess.” – Unknown

These are truly heartfelt words. For me, the desire is for someone who treats me with exceptional respect and appreciation every day not for fairy tales.

I just want someone to treat me like a prince and show me love and care. I’m not seeking for a fairytale ending.

34. “I’m not a sideline spectator, I am the game-changer.” – Unknown

My Top 35 Don’t Treat Me Like an Option Quotes in 2024

These words really touch my heart.

That would be a kind of declaring “I’m not just watching.” It’s me who initiates things and modifies the game.

It serves as a reminder that we are in control of forming our relationships and lives.

Rather than only being a spectator I want to actively participate, make a difference, and bring about significant change.

35. “I am the creator of my very own self and I intend to treat me like my greatest masterpiece.” – Charlotte Eriksson

This quotation expresses my ideas exactly. It’s similar to saying that you are in charge of your identity and that you ought to treat yourself with the same respect as a priceless work of art.

It serves as a gentle reminder to value my individuality and to treat myself with kindness. Taking care of myself is the same as creating a masterpiece that I value and adore every day.

If people don’t treat you the way you want to be treated, please listen to this podcast:


The main goal of every relationship, in my opinion, should be to give and receive love and respect.

It’s critical to quit the relationship if you feel like you’re being used as a fallback or option. Never underestimate the value and significance of your feelings.

Every relationship has difficulties but how you handle them defines how valuable the connection is.

We believe that this compilation of my top 35 Don’t Treat Me Like an Option quotes will help you realize where you fit in a relationship.

Written by Saeed Ahmadi

Who am I? A blogger, mindset mentor, personal development coach, content creator, SEO Specialist, digital marketer, entrepreneur, reader by night, and writer by day.

Mindsetopia, my brainchild, is more than a platform, its my vision of a world where everyone has access to the tools and knowledge necessary for personal growth and self-growing.

What really makes me excited is helping people to unlock their true potential. So,I am here to give you the kick you need to change your mind and then your life :)

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