
Success Doesn’t Happen Overnight, True or Myth?

Success Doesn't Happen Overnight

Success, the word that everyone is looking for. It does not matter how old we are or what our definition of success is! We are all somehow looking for more money, a healthier life, and better relationships.

But the million-dollar question is, will success happen overnight? Can it be achieved without difficulty? Let us answer this question comprehensively once and for all.

Some people say YES, it is possible to gain success overnight, and they believed some people did that and some others believe that success doesn’t happen overnight. Which one is true? These examples are for those who believe in achieving success overnight:

For instance, the Rovio company, which made Angry Birds games, achieved success quickly after they publish the game but wait…It was after eight years of hard-working and struggling with bankruptcy!!

The Beatles achieved success overnight too. Of course, after more than a thousand short performances in different clubs! 

Also, Seth Godin, the famous writer in business and marketing, gathered the necessary investment for his new book in less than 3 hours. Of course, he says he did it after eight years of blogging and making a huge community of marketing lovers!

See? success doesn’t happen overnight! Period! 

As Colin Powell says:

“There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.”

Oh MY GOD! you don’t believe me yet?? Ok, then you need to watch this video from GaryVee youtube channel:

When we see a politician celebrate for winning an election or a rock band give a massive concert, or even an actress receive an Oscar, we may feel an itch, a healthy envy, and we wish we were in the place of the protagonists.

When we see that unique moment, we often lose sight of the most important part of the story: all the way that person had to travel to get to where they got.

If you still believe that you can be successful overnight, Mindsetopia suggests you to close this window, buy a lottery ticket, and dream about your dream! 

But if you want to learn 10 necessary characteristics to be successful, then stay with us!


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15 Necessary Characteristics To Be Successful

infographic about 15 Necessary Characteristics To Be Successful

People like Benjamin Franklin and Steve Jobs seem like they were born with success included, but they are not, if you ask yourself how did they achieve success? The answer is simple, successful people share common traits, which are not really challenging to follow.

The following are 10 traits that all successful people have in common:

1. Purpose Oriented

Purpose Oriented person

You might spend your life hoping for a job or a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to knock on your door. People who are successful, on the other hand, do not wait for life to provide for them.

They have a plan for accomplishing everything they want in life. Priorities are then established in order to ensure the plan’s progress.

As Henry Ford says:

Nothing is particularly hard if you divide it into small jobs.” 

It’s a helpful reminder that breaking down large goals into smaller chunks will help you reach them.

2. Be persistent

Thomas Alva Edison said he had to fail 1,000 times before inventing the light bulb. Even if that number is exaggerated, it is not irrelevant. Successful people also failed before they were successful. 

Abraham Lincoln suffered a series of political failures before reaching the presidency. In turn, Stephen King was rejected by publishers over and over again before becoming a best-selling novelist.

Successful people should not pack their stuff and flee the first time anything they dislike or goes wrong. Instead, they keep trying, and persistence eventually leads to success.

3. Be Passionate About Learning

Even after completing their formal education, intelligent leaders and successful people will surely continue to learn more and more. Most people recognize that they do not know everything there is to know about the world and they strive to be lifelong learners.

Albert Einstein said:

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.” 

Einstein uncovered an excellent point on success.

While some of the world’s most influential people are born “geeks,” the majority of them have the same normal talent as the rest of us. They clearly understand that there is more to learn, and that experience provides them with the tools and resources they need to succeed.

4. Be self-aware

be persistence

In that same sense, let us remember what Socrates said:

I am the wisest man alive, for I know one thing, and that is that I know nothing.” 

Socrates may have been emphasizing the value of permanent learning, but he also highlights the value of self-awareness.

People who know who they are are more likely to succeed. They are aware of their capabilities as well as their shortcomings. As a result, they concentrate on their areas of strength and surround themselves with people or tools to fill in the gaps.

So, start exploring yourself and try to find the best and the most valuable aspects of yourself.


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5. Be Bold

There is no glory without guts. Taking chances has led in some of the world’s greatest achievements.

It was a major risk for Apple when the iPhone was launched. Oprah Winfrey also risked turning over her hit talk show for networking.

Legendary entrepreneur Richard Branson has made risk-taking his ticket to success, despite at least 14 failed ventures he left behind.

However, these risk-takers are not making mindless actions based on no plan and strategy. The risks they take are calculated, and when they fail, successful people take the time to learn from their own mistakes and turn every failure into a useful experience toward success.

If you want to be bold then this video from the Powerful U youtube channel can help you:

6. Be a Quick and Firm decision-maker

The Turtle may have won the race by being slow and steady, but it is not an especially successful tactic to success.

There are many articles about how the business success model is shifting from stability to competitive advantage. 

According to EY (formerly Ernst & Young), 81 percent of the executive product customers said it was crucial to make fast decisions.

However, being decisive is also vital outside the business world. 

You miss valuable time to develop your success as you stop and hesitate for several years to attempt to determine if you are going to change your jobs, your children, and your family or to go to college.

Take the choices quickly, instead, and go on without looking back.

7. Be a good communicator

Be a good communicator

Strong communicators are successful people, too. Successful people clearly articulate their thoughts, from Frederick Douglass, who spoke about slavery, to Marissa Mayer, who set a new course for Yahoo.

Do not be discouraged if you are concerned that you are not a good communicator.

Even Warren Buffett was scared of speaking in public before he became a teacher after repeated practical occasions.

If you are struggling to be a good communicator then this video from Robin Sharma youtube channel can help you a lot:


Read More: 117 Inspirational quotes about life and struggles


8. Be enthusiastic

Some people are so excited. Enthusiastic people succeed when they are enthusiastic. They enjoy what they do, and they all radiate self-esteem and passion.

As a result, instead of working alone, this enthusiastic person wins a whole group of people acting toward the same goal.

Someone who is passionate about progress and learning will do any possible thing to get to his or her goals.

9. Be disciplined

Be disciplined

People who can remain focused on their tasks are the most effective ones. Responsibility is part of the dedication to self-discipline.

At the end of the day, successful individuals understand that they are solely responsible for their successes or mistakes.

They have kept in their hearts and made their own the words of Plato:

The first and greatest victory is to conquer yourself.”

11. Adaptability

Extradition might be essential to success in 2024. In the context of professional and personal achievement, Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution is valid, just as it is in the world of plants. 

It is essential for humans to actively seek extradition rather than merely encompass it given the speed at which creation and advancement have been occurring. 

Being receptive to new concepts, tools, and methods as well as having the flexibility to adapt your methods in response to changing circumstances will no longer only help you maintain your gift but may even enable you to thrive in the continuously shifting landscape of success.

12. Time Management

Time Management

The timeless wisdom of Peter Drucker is more relevant than ever in the difficult world of 2024. The most priceless resource of all, time, must be carefully managed if success is to be within reach. 

Strong time management is a rock-solid bulwark in the current environment of constant transcend and report overload. 

The key to recognizing one’s dreams is having the ability to effectively manage time, prioritize tasks, and make the most of each day. 

The ability to tell a tale is a non-negotiable skill for anyone who wants to survive in the modern, fast-paced world since it is no longer only about accomplishing more but also about getting the most out of each passing second.

13. Adaptation to Technology

The year 2024is marked by a constantly changing environment, with time acting as the primary agent of change. It continues to redesign entire sectors and professions at an unequaled rate. 

If one wants to successfully cross this digital frontier, having a solid understanding of technology is absolutely necessary.

It’s more important than ever to be able to quickly adapt to new technologies, procedures, and advancements. 

Being ahead of technology advances is not just a goal but also a need if you want to maintain competition and relevance in your industry. 

You can ensure that you are leading the way rather than just keeping up in this way.

14. Respect for Failure

Respect for Failure

The concept of failure has changed in the transforming environment of 2024. It is now frequently identified as a helpful intermediate step rather than a depressing conclusion. 

Accepting failure as a patient and wise teacher is no longer just a mindset; it is a tactical need. It provides a more direct path to innovation and sustained growth. 

People who can learn from their mistakes and extrapolate from them to find better solutions are well-positioned to flourish and make significant progress in a world that depends on innovation.

15. Financial Literacy

Economic savvy appears as a crucial thread in the complex fabric of personal and professional success. 

Money is a tool that can both advance and halt one’s path; it is not always just a means to an end. Economic literacy is now more than just a talent in the ever-complicated economic landscape of 2024; it is now an imperative need. 

It’s not just pleasant; it’s crucial to know how to manage your money, make wise investments, and establish plans for the future. 

Being able to negotiate the economic complexities of this time is essential for achieving both personal and professional goals.

This can be helpful to listen to this podcast which explains that success needs to be tried and hardworking:

10. Be a hard worker

The strength to work hard is perhaps the most significant trait of successful individuals.

Research on confidence done in the United States in 2013 discovered that the majority of wealthier people made themselves.

The study surveyed individuals with investment assets of at least $ 3 million and found that only 22% grew up in wealthy households.

That means financially successful people didn’t have large amounts of money, they worked hard for it.

Written by Saeed Ahmadi

Who am I? A blogger, mindset mentor, personal development coach, content creator, SEO Specialist, digital marketer, entrepreneur, reader by night, and writer by day.

Mindsetopia, my brainchild, is more than a platform, its my vision of a world where everyone has access to the tools and knowledge necessary for personal growth and self-growing.

What really makes me excited is helping people to unlock their true potential. So,I am here to give you the kick you need to change your mind and then your life :)

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